Example Year 8 HTML & CSS Vodcasts 

  1. Setting up a folder structure
  2. Introduction to Dreamweaver
  3. Creating Hyperlinks
  4. Linking files from index.html
  5. Setting up div id structure
  6. Setting up CSS
  7. CSS continued
  8. CSS continued
  9. Creating a nav bar
  10. Inserting rollover images 
  11. Setting up images classes for header images
  12. Asset files zipped web | main css nav

Example Practice_exam_year11 to teach general div id structure with CSS rules

CSS design for web app
Dreamweaver practice exam. Download zip.

Responsive CSS design for web app
Technology teachers involved in responsive mobile web app design and development for secondary students.

This file might help you to get things started. Zipped version.
This file might help you to get things started with responsive web + smooth scroll. Zipped version.
Responsive mobile web app with entire div as a hyperlink using div class (Nav 1 only).

This file uses one media screen query to adjust <680 pixels . Zipped version

Web Apps: sample assessment instruments
sample_extended_response | sample_product_response